I pray us strength. I pray us justice. I pray us freedom.

By Ainum Lathifah - April 06, 2012

Allah.. menitis airmata dengar poem ni. Subhanallah. Sangat touching. Sangat menikam. Sangat membakar semangat. Sangat rugi kalau anda sedang membaca, tapi tak terasa untuk membuka video ni.

"Don't forgive me sister, I forgot prayers sometimes ago.." - Allah Allah.. ayat tu sangat menikam!

"I pray us strength. I pray us justice. I pray us freedom. 
I pray us strength. I pray us justice. I pray us freedom."

Hana Shalabi is a Palestinian political prisoner. She was released from over two years in administrative detention on 18 October 2011, as part of the prisoner exchange deal. She was re-arrested less than four months later on 16 February 2012, and immediately began a hunger strike in protest of her detention. 

"At 40 days, Hana is at the point where death could come at any moment. Consider what would make you, what would make any person, undertake something so destructive to the body as a hunger strike? How much strength of spirit must it take?
Hana is in this position because she has no other recourse. There is no “justice” in Israeli military justice. Her hunger is a call to the world." - pinkandegree

 Hana Shalabi in AsSyifa Hospital for treatment

Hana Shalabi. 
aku kagum.

I pray us strength. I pray us justice. I pray us freedom.

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“Hanya sedikit ini yang kutahu, kutulis ia untuk-mu, maka berbagilah dengan-ku apa yang kau tahu.”